线路编号: L01
旅游类型: 小团、适合年轻人20-30岁 i
- Guaranteed Departures: Our tour dates are fixed, ensuring each departure is guaranteed.
- Flexible Scheduling: If you can't find a date that suits your travel plans, no need to worry. Simply let us know your preferred travel time, and we'll create a custom schedule, inviting others to join you.
- Non-shopping Experience: Embrace a non-shopping adventure with us. We promise high-quality tours, ensuring an authentic and enriching experience in Tibet.
旅游服务: 司机兼职向导
到达时间: 全年都可 i
- The best time to explore Mt. Everest are April, May, June, September, October, and November, offering pleasant temperatures for a comfortable experience.
- The busiest times/peak season are July, August, and October 1-8, coinciding with peak holiday seasons.
- From December to March marks Tibet's winter, an off-peak season. Despite this, Mt. Everest enjoys clear weather during these months, providing excellent visibility. It's the perfect time to witness the stunning sunset and sunrise at Mt. Everest, with lower prices making it an affordable option.
行程级别: 适中 i
- 我们珠穆朗玛峰之旅最年轻的客户只有3个月大,经验丰富的探险家可以活到86岁!为了您的健康,如果您有任何健康问题,我们建议您咨询医生以获取专家建议。
7 天 费用:5380元/人
- 此价格基于双人标准间入住;
- 此价格基于淡季的三星级住宿核算
- 此价格不包括机票、火车票。
Day 1: 拉萨火车站或机场接团
Day 2: 拉萨-布达拉宫(雪域必打卡宫殿)-药王山观景台(50元背景图)-八廓街(像本地人一样朝圣转经)-自由活动(推荐甜茶馆小坐)
Day 3: 拉萨-火车到达林芝-哈达接站-色季拉山观景台(挂经幡,撒隆达祈福)-鲁朗花海牧场民宿
Day 4: 鲁朗- 近观丹娘佛掌沙丘-雅鲁藏布大峡谷-花海骑马射箭-林芝酒店
Day 5: 林芝-巴松措-湖心岛-错宗工巴寺- 猴山-送至火车站
Day 6: 拉萨-羊湖观景台(西藏三大圣湖)-卡若拉冰川-拉萨
Day 7: 拉萨至全国各地
Day 1: 拉萨火车站或机场接团
Day 2: 拉萨-布达拉宫(雪域必打卡宫殿)-药王山观景台(50元背景图)-八廓街(像本地人一样朝圣转经)-自由活动(推荐甜茶馆小坐)
• 前往药王山观景台-50圆人民币背面拍摄地(游览时间约10分钟)
• 圆梦布达拉宫
• 漫步八廓街(自由体验,以大昭寺为中心顺时针游览)
• 大昭寺广场(自由体验,无时限)
Day 3: 拉萨-火车到达林芝-哈达接站-色季拉山观景台(挂经幡,撒隆达祈福)-鲁朗花海牧场民宿
Day 4: 鲁朗- 近观丹娘佛掌沙丘-雅鲁藏布大峡谷-花海骑马射箭-林芝酒店
Day 5: 林芝-巴松措-湖心岛-错宗工巴寺- 猴山-送至火车站
早餐后酒店餐厅用完早餐出发,到达巴松措5A级风景区(浏览时间120分钟),中午到达餐厅吃特色餐牦牛肉汤锅,下午猴山看野生藏猕猴, 17:40-21:50火车返回拉萨,送往酒店休息。
Day 6: 拉萨-羊湖观景台(西藏三大圣湖)-卡若拉冰川-拉萨
Day 7: 拉萨至全国各地
早餐后,结束愉快的旅程,送往拉萨火车站或机场。 临行前请再次检查自己的所有物品是否齐全。如此日返程航班是下午,请自行安排当日午餐并于中午12点前办理酒店退房手续。
日期 | 价格 | 预定情况 | 开始预定 |
1.) 与其他两名旅客(共 3 或 3 名以上)同时预订旅行团可享受 5% 的折扣;
2.) 提前 3 个月预订旅游可享受 5% 的折扣。
3.) 请注意,上述两项折扣不能同时享受。
- 1. 住宿:共含6晚住宿,拉萨4晚,林芝1晚,鲁朗民宿1晚,双人标准间,如出单男单女住三人间或补房差。
- 参考酒店(四钻住宿标准):
- 拉萨:拉萨丰缘大酒店或拉萨喜上酒店或西藏宾馆酒店或同等级 (标间5晚)
- 林芝:天宇藏密,万清堂大酒店,利源大酒店
- 鲁朗:花海牧场别墅酒店
- 2. 用餐:早餐为酒店含早,6早5正,正餐30元/人/餐,(自愿放弃用餐,费用不退)。
- 3. 门票:含景点门票及小交通, 报价已按西藏优惠折扣门票或免票核算,任何证件均无优惠可退。
- 4. 用车:用车:市内当天全程不含车;林芝段升级为陆地头等舱2+1航空座椅;其他行程车辆为旅游牌照 7座-29座,当地正规旅游车,车型根据此团人数而定。若客人自行放弃当日行程,车位费不予退还。
- 5. 导游:仅布宫当天专业持证中文导游讲解(其他行程司机兼导游)
- 6. 保险:旅行社责任险、车辆座位险。(若需其它保险请自行购买)
- 7. 接送站:专业接送公司接站,送站服务。
- 8. 赠品:赠骑马射响箭+羊湖藏装拍照+挂经幡+撒隆达+DIY手作唐卡+网红咖啡;
- 9. 贴心配备:随车矿泉水一箱/每车、羊湖当天每人一瓶便携式氧气
- 1. 客人个人消费,省外进藏、出藏的交通费用。
- 2. 司机或导游可能会推荐行程外的自费项目,游客自愿选择是否参加。
- 3. 单房差或加床。
- 4. 因交通延阻、罢工、天气、飞机机器故障、航班取消或更改时间等不可抗力原因所引致的额外费用。
- 5. 酒店押金、酒店内洗衣、理发、 电话、传真、收费电视、饮品、烟酒等个人消费。
- 6. 地面服务费 (如出发机场接送服务、行李物品保管费、托运行李超重费等) 。
- 7. 自由活动期间的餐食费和交通费。
- 8. 因旅游者违约、 自身过错、 自身疾病导致的人身财产损失而额外支付的费用。
- 9. 因景区价格调整产生的门票差价。景区内耳麦、讲解器等。
To ensure a smooth journey, it is recommended to book the tour at least 15-20 days before departure.
Of course, booking 1 or 2 months or even earlier will help us apply for necessary travel documents on your behalf and make advance reservations for accommodations.
Additionally, early booking provides the opportunity to enjoy early bird discounts.
The earlier you book, the better prepared you'll be, and you won't be troubled in a rush.
Before you leave, make sure to get your Chinese Visa and Tibet Travel Permit in advance so you can enter the Tibet Autonomous Region.
Some other local travel documents, like the Alien’s travel permit for visiting areas outside Lhasa, can be obtained upon your arrival in Tibet.
We’ll take care of Tibet Travel Permit, as well as other local travel documents as part of our tour package. Simply follow our guidance, and there’s no need to worry about the process.
Once you book your Everest Base Camp tour with us, simply provide scanned copies of your Chinese Visa and a valid passport (with at least 6 months of validity).
If you traveling with a work visa, you will need proof of employment in China, and a study visa requires proof of your study in China.
Generally, it takes 7-14 working days to process the Tibet Travel Permit. Once the permit is successfully issued, we will mail it to your address in China 3-5 days before your Tibet trip, ensuring you can smoothly board the train or flight to Tibet.
The Everest Base Camp in Tibet sits at an altitude of 5200 meters above sea level, making it one of the highest points in this journey.
For first-time visitors to such high-altitude regions, mild symptoms of altitude sickness, such as dizziness and headaches may occur.
However, there is no need to worry. Our specially designed 8-day trip from Lhasa to Everest Base Camp ensures a gradual acclimatization. You’ll spend 2-3 days exploring Lhasa at an altitude of 3650 meters before moving on to higher altitudes like Shigatse (3800 meters) and Everest Base Camp (5200 meters).
According to our experience, most tourists can adapt well to the increase in altitude through such an itinerary, and severe altitude reactions are rare.
If you experience severe symptoms at the base camp, such as intense headaches or difficulty breathing, use oxygen immediately, inform your guide, and seek medical attention promptly.
If necessary, our guide will assist in transferring you to a lower altitude location, such as Zhaxizong Township or Tingri County.
The best time to visit Mount Everest is in Spring (April to early June) and Autumn (September to October) with fine weather, pleasant temperatures, and less rainfall. This means you have more chances to enjoy a clear view of the summit of Mt. Everest during your trip.
Winter is also an excellent season to witness Mount Everest and appreciate the clear starry nights in the Everest region. As the off-season for Tibet tourism, winter provides more affordable tour prices, making it a more cost-effective time for your visit to Mount Everest.
Summer (July to August) is the rainy season in Tibet. While most rainfall occurs at night, it doesn't impact daytime activities. Just pay attention to the clouds and fog, which may potentially obstruct the full view of Mount Everest.
Because of the high altitude and unpredictable weather, you might not always see the top of Mount Everest in bad weather. But don’t worry. We’ve designed this route that gives you four chances to witness Everest on your way, so you’re likely to catch a good view.
To increase your chances, consider visiting Mount Everest during spring or autumn when the weather is more stable. Feel free to check with our travel experts for the latest weather updates when planning your Everest Base Camp tour in Tibet.
Most importantly, stay positive, relax, and enjoy the journey. Don’t get too hung up on seeing the peak of Mount Everest. Even if you miss it, you’ll still experience amazing natural views and the unique landscapes of the Himalayas.
The overland expedition from Lhasa to Everest Base Camp is more than just about the mountain; it's an adventure into the wonders of the Tibet Plateau.
The straight-line distance from Lhasa to Everest Base Camp is about 450 kilometers, but because of the winding mountain roads, the actual driving distance is around 700 kilometers. It usually takes about 14 hours to drive to Everest Base Camp.
For a comfortable and safe journey, we usually arrange a 2-day trip from Lhasa to Everest Base Camp with stops at Yamdrok Lake, Gyantse, and Shigatse. This not only helps you get used to the high-altitude environment but also lets you enjoy the scenery along the way, making your travel experience better.
The road from Lhasa to Everest Base Camp boasts one of the finest in the region, mainly following the famous Sino-Nepal Friendships Highway which is fully asphalted.
Even the final stretch of 90 kilometers to Everest Base Camp is now covered with smooth pavement. You don’t need to worry about the bumpy road anymore.
In cities like Lhasa and Shigatse, accommodation options range from luxury 5-star to economic 3-star, allowing you to choose based on your budget and preferences.
However, at Everest Base Camp, the only accommodation option is the tent hotel, which offers quite basic lodging with relatively simple facilities. Most of the Tibetan-style tent hotels at Everest Base Camp feature dormitory-style sleeping arrangements.
During the winter season, the tent hotel will close, and accommodations need to be arranged in Zhaxizong Township or Tingri near the base camp.
The meals involved in this package include hotel breakfasts, a welcome dinner, and two lunches - one at the Drepung Monastery and the other at a local restaurant in a Tibetan village near Yamdrok Lake.
While traveling, you’ll have the flexibility to explore a diverse range of dining options for other lunches and dinners. Tibetan and Sichuan restaurants are quite common.
If you have specific dietary needs, such as vegetarian preferences or any other requirements, please inform your travel consultant in advance so that we can make the necessary preparations.
Whenever you go to Everest, you need to prepare warm clothing for cold weather at such a high altitude.
It's advisable to wear outerwear that is easy to put on and take off, allowing you to adjust your clothing according to temperature changes.
For your upper body, consider layering with thick autumn clothing (or thermal underwear), a sweater or fleece, and a thick down jacket or windbreaker. Opt for windproof trousers and warm autumn trousers for the lower body. Choose non-slip sports shoes or hiking boots for your footwear.
Don't forget essentials like a scarf, gloves, and a hat.
Besides the clothes to take, here are some more things to prepare for your trip to Everest Base Camp.
Personal Care: Pack your essentials such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, facial cleanser, towels, and other personal toiletries. Since there are no shower facilities at Everest Base Camp, consider bringing wet wipes for convenience.
Skincare: Due to the dry climate in Tibet, pack lip balm, moisturizing cream, and hydrating masks to prevent skin dryness and cracking.
Sun Protection: Don’t forget to bring sunscreen and sunglasses for effective sun protection against the strong UV rays in Tibet.
Additional Necessities: Considering the long distances between attractions in Tibet, bring a U-shaped pillow for a comfortable journey. Also, having a thermal flask ensures you have hot water whenever needed.
Common Medications: Take essential medications like motion sickness pills, gastrointestinal medicine, anti-inflammatory drugs, cold medicine, and other medications for emergencies. Include adhesive bandages and eye drops. (Consult your doctor and carefully follow medical advice when taking medication.)
Electronic Devices: Bring your phone, camera, power bank, and any other necessary electronic devices. If you plan to bring a drone, check with our travel consultant in advance. Tibet operates on a 220V voltage.
Cash and Cards: Alipay and WeChat Pay are widely accepted in major cities like Lhasa and Shigatse. Credit cards can be used in some large hotels, restaurants, and shopping malls in Lhasa. However, in remote areas, cash may still be necessary. It's advisable to carry a small amount of Chinese yuan and at least one bank card with you.
In recent years, there have been significant improvements to the sanitary facilities at Everest Base Camp. Now, solar-powered portable toilets are used at Everest Base Camp.
These portable toilets have not only made tremendous strides in environmental conservation but are also suitable for various climate conditions throughout the four seasons, providing a more comfortable and convenient restroom experience.
These upgrades make tourists feel more at ease when going to Everest Base Camp because the toilets are cleaner, more modern, and follow environmentally friendly and sustainable practices.
The Everest Base Camp, situated at 5200 meters above sea level, is the highest point reachable by ordinary tourists at Mount Everest.
Here, you can marvel at the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest (8848.86 meters), right in front of you. If you stay overnight at the base camp, you can witness the spectacular sunrise, sunset, and twinkling stars in the night sky.
Additionally, nestled here is the highest-altitude Rongbuk Monastery (5154 meters), housing precious relics such as statues of Lama Sengdruk and Shakyamuni.
Of course, the significance of visiting Everest Base Camp goes beyond admiring Mount Everest and exploring Rongbuk Monastery. It's about soaking in the stunning views of the Tibetan Plateau, getting closer to the top of the world, and experiencing the deep essence of the Himalayas.
At present, Everest Base Camp has 5G signal coverage, but no WiFi service. Therefore, you can use mobile networks for communication.
However, due to the high altitude, there may be slow network speeds or unstable signals. It's recommended to download the necessary apps in advance.
Don’t forget to inform your family and friends that you may not be able to reply to messages promptly during certain periods to avoid unnecessary concerns.
途经景点: 布达拉宫,大昭寺,羊卓雍错,纳木错,珠峰大本营,巴松错,雅鲁藏布大峡谷,鲁朗林海
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